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  • jackmgoodman05

Compare/Contrast Fargo Notes & Response


-Camera Work: In the notes for the camera work we both pointed out a lot about the movement of the camera and how during different scenes it would zoom in or out. But in his he talks about angles of the camera which I didnt talk about as much.

-Editing- In my notes I really didn't write in much detail I only talked about how it contributes to the theme or feeling of the scene. He talks about how it sets the pace and the setting is established through the editing.

-mise-en-scene: We both mentioned how it is in a dark eerie, low lighted basement, but he got into more detail about the furniture and things decorated around the house.

-Sound: We both talked about how the music in the background helps develop the tone of the scene. But in the other notes he mentions a lot more including dialect between the characters and the little things that made noise during the scene.


-He wrote his in a essay format. During the writing he used his notes incorporate pieces explaining the scene. I wrote it not as a continuous writing, but just addressing one thing at a time. Overall, he's mentioning the elements from his notes to explain how they contributed to the scene.

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