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  • jackmgoodman05

Blog Entry Media context: Issues raised by media ownership

In the media things are biased based off of who is over seeing the operations and who they are getting money from. Companies get funding from big time companies or advertisers which influence the content being produced. Issues raised when this happens are that the content becomes extremely biased, then that makes the audiences very limited and polar, and lastly it limits the creator’s creativeness by abiding by what the companies want.

First, media outlets become extremely biased when the ownership and funders have a say in the content. For example, news stations such as Fox and CNN are very biased towards the narrative they want to get pushed across. For example, President Trump is very fond of Fox news which then makes them create narratives to show him in better light. While on the other hand, Trump is openly against CNN and they have their narratives about him in a worse light. Most news stations try to stay non-bias, yet do get their stories in a certain way based on who they work for.

A consequence of having a biased audience would be quite different audiences that do not really change or grow. Biased media usually has a very similar demographic. For example, right wing people usually would not sit there and watch CNN has people do on the left side. Even with sports, a big basketball account and a baseball account will have two very different audiences and people with different interests. The ownership is what tells the media outlet what to post which contributes to the way their audience is.

Lastly, the funding an ownership of a media outlet stops the creativity of the creator because of what they filtered to say. For example, if an athlete is sponsored by a company on social media they have to show off the product and cannot do certain things that would oppose it. For example, if an athlete is sponsored by Gatorade or Nike they cannot be seen with Powerade or adidas. Big media outlets are then limited more because companies that fund them do not want any competition. That might effect the accuracy of information or the growth of that individual outlet.

In conclusion, there are issues with media ownership and funding by big corporations. From media being biased or funders being controlling are just a few ways there are issues. Companies need these though so they do whatever they can to make them happy.

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